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Severance Street Waterline Repair Update


By the City of Hutchinson Public Works Department


HUTCHINSON, Kan. — On April 18, a significant break occurred in the 24-inch waterline under Severance Street, between 17th and 23rd Avenues.  Immediate repair efforts included the installation of a clamp on the damaged section. Unfortunately, the initial clamp was not able to completely seal the leak.  A larger clamp has been ordered and is anticipated to arrive by May 2nd.

As a result of the ongoing repair work, Severance Street will remain closed. We are targeting to reopen the street by Monday, May 13. We apologize for the inconvenience this may cause and appreciate the community’s patience and understanding during this period.

Should you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact our Public Works Department at 620.694.1900.