By Lucky Kidd
McPHERSON COUNTY, Kan. — Provision ballots (313 of 4720) cast in last week’s general election were counted in the vote canvass by McPherson County Commissioners this morning. County Clerk Hollie Melroy said 80 of the 159 ballots not counted were from people not registered.
Of the 1,027 ballots mailed out, all but 67 of those were returned by last Friday’s deadline, and Melroy said in some cases people obtained a postmark on their ballot and returned it by FedEx. On mail ballots Melroy praised the work of local US Postal Service Employees, who made frequent ballot deliveries to her office including several on election day.
The Commission also dealt with a couple of other items during the meeting, which was moved from Monday due to Veterans Day. Commissioners approved a change in purchase of gas valves for the asphalt plant. The company the county was originally going to purchase the valves from has a backlog and it was not known when or if they could get delivery. An alternate supplier was found and purchase of two valves was approved for a cost of $7,720 plus shipping.
Commissioners also approved a pair of personnel change orders for employees in the Administrator’s Office for changes in job classification.