BUHLER, Kan. – Online enrollment for returning Buhler USD 313 students will open Monday, July 17th, at 8:00 a.m. and will close on August 7th, at noon. An email with the SNAP CODE needed to enroll was sent Sunday afternoon to the primary guardian’s email.
Enrollment fees do not have to be paid at the time of enrollment. However, if you get online and pay them anytime during the online enrollment window, credit card fees are waived.
Busing, lunch, and athletic information, as well as a free/reduced meals application, are also included in the online enrollment process.
Enrollment for students new to USD 313 will take place at all district buildings on Thursday, August 3rd, from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
More information is available at https://www.usd313.org/.