By McPherson Public Schools
McPHERSON, Kan. — McPherson Public Schools is pleased to announce the District Teachers of The Year. Ms. Maegen Stucky was selected as the Elementary Teacher of the Year and Mr. Christopher Strathman was selected as the Secondary Teacher of the Year.
Ms. Stucky serves as a 5th grade teacher at Roosevelt Elementary. When asked about this recognition, Ms. Cara Schrag, RES Principal, said “Mrs. Stucky is an incredibly compassionate person. Her warmth and kindness are what make her classroom a home. Her students are eager to see her each day and know she is a safe place for them to truly be themselves. We are so lucky to have Maegen on our team. We could not be more proud of her.”
Mr. Strathman teaches Personal Finance, Accounting I, Business, and he coordinates Internships at McPherson High School. Regarding the recognition, Dr. Audrey Herbst, MHS Principal, said that “Mr. Strathman exemplifies our McPherson High School Mission Statement by preparing students to become productive citizens and lifelong learners in a diverse society.” She also noted that “He is intentional about teaching the skills and knowledge necessary to ensure our students start their careers and life successfully after high school.”
Building leaders each selected a nominee to represent their building, and then teachers across the district had the opportunity to vote for their choice for Teacher of the Year. Ms. Stucky and Mr. Strathman were selected through that process and will go on to represent McPherson as a part of the Kansas Teacher of the Year Program.
Congratulations, Ms. Stucky and Mr. Strathman!