Ad Astra Radio thanks all Veterans for their service! Here are some local events happening in and around the communities we cover.
McPherson Veterans Day Events
McPherson’s Veterans Day events kick off with a free breakfast for veterans from 8-10 at the American Legion, hosted by Kindred Hospice. A Veterans Day Parade begins at 10:30 in Downtown McPherson, and there will be a ceremony at 11 at the Park Department Building at 1st and Mulberry. That program will also be carried on 98.9 and 1540 KMCP.
Canton-Galva Veterans Day Events
Canton-Galva Elementary School will be hosting a Veterans Day Celebration Friday afternoon at 2:30 at the school in Galva. Doors open at 2:15 and all veterans and community members are welcome to attend.
Hutchinson Veterans Day Events
Join the City of Hutchinson at 1st and Walnut at 11 a.m. on Nov. 10 for a ribbon-cutting ceremony to commemorate the new Eternal Flame installation at the Soldier and Sailors Monument. This event is being held in partnership with Kansas Gas Service, Vieyr Honors Foundation, the City of Hutchinson, The American Legion, and the VFW.
The Hutchinson Moose Lodge #982 will be having a Poker Tournament fundraiser on Saturday starting at 1 p.m. If you would like to come early for lunch, there will be a free-will donation turkey lunch prior to the tournament at 11:30. Veterans will be acknowledged before the Poker Tournament and a $25 dollar donation is suggested. There will be a live concert performed by Triple Play Band at 8 p.m. and during their first break, there will be another ceremony for all veterans – past and present. There will be a $6 cover charge for Moose Members and $10 charge for non-members for the dance. Veterans will get in free for the night.
Our Lady of Guadalupe Church will be having a Veterans Day Mass and Luncheon Saturday at the Church at 602 South Maple in South Hutchinson. The mass begins at 10 with the luncheon to follow.
Lyons Veterans Day Events
The Lyons High School AFROTC will be having a Veterans Day program Friday morning at 10 at the school. Following the program there will be a free lunch for veterans and spouses in the LHS Cafeteria.
Their parade and program, sponsored by the Lyons Chamber of Commerce, begins at 10:30. The parade will start from Commercial and East Avenue, go north to 1st street, then west to West Avenue and back south to Commercial.
Sterling Veterans Day Events
The American Legion Post 128 in Sterling will be providing FREE meals to honor all Veterans (you do not have to be a member of the American Legion). However, you did need to RSVP by Monday, Nov. 6 for the following:
1) Veterans Day Breakfast and Program, presented by the American Legion, Saturday, November 11, 7:00 A.M. at the American Legion, 108 East Garfield, Sterling. Call Casondra at 620-278-6215.
2) Veterans Dinner, hosted by the American Legion Auxiliary; Saturday November 11, 5:00 P.M., also, at the American Legion, 108 East Garfield, Sterling. Call Heather at 620-727-3215.
Larned Area Veterans Day Events
Larned’s Veterans Day Parade will take place Saturday morning at 11 in downtown Larned.
Barton County’s Memorial Parks Advisory Committee will have a Veterans Day recognition ceremony Friday afternoon t 1 at Golden Belt Veterans Memorial, at Golden Belt Memorial Park on NW 50 Road a half mile west of US 281 between Great Bend and Hoisington
Salina Veterans Day Events
Veterans Day Parade Saturday morning at 9 on Santa Fe, starting at Elm and going south to South Street.
Veterans Day ceremony Saturday morning at 11 at the Salina-Saline County Veterans Memorial in Sunset Park, where vice-mayor Bill Longbine will be the featured speaker. It’s sponsored by Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 1432 and other local veterans’ organizations. Following the ceremony there will be a lunch for veterans at the VFW at 1108 West Crawford.
Kingman Veterans Day Events
On Friday, Kingman Middle-High School will host the 22nd Annual Veterans Day Program in the Varsity Gym. The program will start at 10 a.m. with registration for Veterans at 9. Join KMHS for a reception following the program, provided by the FACS Classes.