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Kansas Lawmakers Override Governor’s Veto of “Born Alive” Bill


TOPEKA, Kan. (KNS) – Kansas lawmakers overrode a veto by Democratic governor Laura Kelly to enact their first anti-abortion bill of the year. The law will require doctors to provide lifesaving medical care to infants born alive after an attempted abortion.

Critics say there’s little evidence that’s happening in Kansas. And, they say, it could interfere with palliative care for dying infants. Representative Susan Ruiz is a Democrat from Shawnee. “I have received so many emails from couples who feel that this bill is denying them the ability to stay with their infant until the infant is no longer alive because they’re going to have to be immediately whisked away to a hospital,” she said.

Several Democrats joined Republicans in overriding the governor’s veto of the so-called “Born Alive” bill.