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Early Morning Fire Destroys Home in Partridge


By Lucky Kidd


PARTRIDGE, Kan. — Careless smoking is being blamed for an early morning fire today that destroyed a home in Partridge.

Reno County Fire Administrator Travis Vogt said units from Fire Districts 3, 4 and 8 were dispatched just after 4 AM to 3 North Reno in Partridge, where on arrival they found a working fire in the northeast part of the home which had extended into the attic space and spread rapidly throughout the home due to strong north winds. That rapid spread prompted firefighters to be pulled from the interior and move to a defensive attack.

As Partridge doesn’t have hydrants or a water supply, tender trucks were brought in from three other districts to help supply water. Once the fire was knocked down, crews were unable to do overhaul operation due to a roof collapse and what Vogt described as hoarder conditions, with an excavator brought in in order to level the home.

EMS also responded to provide rehab for working crews.

Three people were in the home at the time of the fire, and smoke detectors woke them up allowing them to safely escape the home.