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Board Holds Hearing for ESC/TSC/TLC Closure and Other Business


By Hutchinson Public Schools


HUTCHINSON, Kan. — The Hutchinson Public Schools USD 308 Board of Education met Monday, April 8th for a special hearing and regular meeting. Prior to the Board of Education regular meeting, the Board convened for a hearing to close ESC/TSC/TLC, commonly referred to as the “Naval Building” located at 700 East 13th Street. During that time, the board discussed the moving costs and logistics of moving the three departments currently housed in that building. The timeline for relocating staff and programs from the building is pending finalization as the District and YMCA collaborate to complete an agreement within the parameters of existing legislation regarding the sale of a school building.

During presentations, the Board heard from two USD 308 middle schoolers, Olivia Gonsalves of HMS7 and Leah Foos of HMS8, who will compete in the upcoming Civics Bee. The Hutchinson/ Reno County Chamber of Commerce will host this event on Wednesday April 17th at Noon at Stringer Fine Arts on the HutchCC campus. The finalists and top winners will receive various prizes, including $500 cash for the first-place student. Click here to view the full list of USD 308 Civics Bee finalists.

Superintendent Report: Dr. Johnson stated that the District has already held three community meetings regarding the facility master plan, with additional meetings over the next three weeks. The District will also survey residents: 300 phone surveys will be carried out, along with surveys on the website and after each community meeting. For a list of community meeting dates and times, please visit: The next meeting is tonight, April 9th at 6:00pm Wiley Elementary School, 900 W. 21st Ave. Each meeting is open to the public and will include a presentation followed by a question and answer period. The community meetings intend to inform the public of the work of the facility steering committee and gain feedback from parents and community members as they draft a final facilities master plan. 

USD 308 to work with private developers and community nonprofits to explore building homes on lots within the city limits. While this project is in its early phase, the goal would be to in-fill on empty lots in the 67501 zip code. Currently the Building Trades students from Career & Technical Education Academy and HutchCC build one house each year as a part of their curriculum located in northwest Hutchinson’s Oxford Pointe neighborhood.  

Board Action Items were: I.B. Weighted Grading System, 2024-2025 BoE Meeting Schedule, Real Estate Purchase Contract – HCTEA Building Trades Home. All three action items were passed unanimously.

Superintendent Consent Agenda included: Accounts Payable March 2024, HMS-8 Gym Rooftop Unit Replacement, Course Additions and Name Change Requests 2024-2025, Removal and Installation of Playground Equipment, Annual Skyward Business Renewal, Student Transportation Services Contract Extension, Visible Learning, Annual Microsoft Licensing Renewal, and Gifts to Schools. The agenda was passed unanimously.

Click here for the full agenda.