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Bikeshare Coming to Lindsborg


LINDSBORG, Kan. – The city recently announced a partnership with the Occupational Center of Central Kansas (OCCK) to bring Lindsborg Bikeshare to the community this June.

The program will promote community health and well-being, active transportation, bike tourism, and Swedish heritage–all goals within the City’s adopted Comprehensive and Strategic Plans. It will include three stations with 15 bikes for rent: the first to the north of town near Bethany College adjacent to Välkommen Trail; the second in a central location downtown by City Hall; and the third to the south of town next to the new Fredrickson Family Fitness Park.

The bikes will be for rent, either by the hour or with a $30 annual pass (discounted annual pass for students 18 yrs.+). Anyone will be able to rent a bike easily through the Movatic smartphone app. All proceeds will benefit the children and adults who receive disability services through OCCK.

American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds and community sponsorships were utilized to pay for the program. ARPA funds came to the City via a public health crisis (COVID-19) and are, in turn, being utilized to promote public health in the community.

Community partners include Bethany College, Lindsborg Community Hospital, and Smoky Valley Public Schools helped contribute funds to the new program.