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Bid Accepted for Phase I of Woodie Seat Freeway Improvement Project


HUTCHINSON, Kan. – Just one bid was received for the first of two phases connected to the Woodie Seat Freeway Improvement Project. That one bid, from APAC Kansas, was accepted Tuesday by the Hutchinson City Council Tuesday.

The bid came in considerably above the engineer’s estimate at just over $4.1 million, $624 thousand more than was previously estimated.

Phase I is a joint project with Reno County and involves mill and overlay of the existing roadway from the Avenue C bridge to the Arkansas River as well as the ramps at Avenue F, removal and replacement of approach slabs to the three bridges in that stretch, and partial and full-depth repairs to the river bridge, which is the county’s responsibility.

A $1.5 million grant from KDOT is funding part of the project cost with the city contributing 60 percent and Reno County 40 percent of the remainder. The expected completion is June 28, 2024.

The Woodie Seat Freeway, originally constructed in 1958, has been deteriorating and in need of major repairs for serval years.