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Annual Summer Arts Program Exhibition


By Smoky Valley Arts & Folklife Center


LINDSBORG, KAN. – Smoky Valley Arts & Folklife Center will host its annual Summer Arts Program exhibition beginning September 8 and continuing through October 1. An opening reception is scheduled for Sunday, September 10 from 2 to 4 p.m. with a gallery talk at 2:30 p.m.

The exhibition will feature the creative works of participants from workshops conducted at SVAFC this summer. The exhibit includes artwork from all ages and artistic backgrounds including everything from woodcarving to preschool rainbow fish. Summer workshops offered instruction in painting, whittling, felting, Swedish folk painting, barn quilt painting, and much more.

The Smoky Valley Arts and Folklife Center is open 1-5 p.m. Friday through Sunday and is supported by the KCAIC, NEA, and the Raymer Society. SVAFC is located at 114 ½ Main Street in Lindsborg.