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Ad Astra Radio’s November Heartland Credit Union Classroom Hero Recipient Emily Miller


By Brenna Eller


HUTCHINSON, Kan. — Ad Astra Radio is proud to announce Wiley Elementary School 5th Grade teacher Emily Miller, as the most recent recipient of the Classroom Hero Award presented by Heartland Credit Union.

Mrs. Miller is currently in her seventh year of teaching at Wiley Elementary School. She taught for two years prior to Wiley. 

Each month, Ad Astra Radio honors a different educator, selected from community nominations, to receive the Classroom Hero Award, along with a “hero” gift basket, courtesy of community partners Heartland Credit Union, Midway Motors of Hutchinson, Stutzman’s Greenhouse, Hutch Putt and The Foto Cowboy.

Mrs. Miller is from Kansas City, Kan., and got her teaching degree from Pittsburg State University. 

“Ever since I was little and saw my teachers up in front of the classroom with books and making learning so much fun, I’ve always wanted to be a teacher,” Miller said.

A big inspiration in Miller’s life was her 6th grade teacher.

“She told me that I should be a teacher when I was little and kind of inspired me to not only love learning but to help others love learning as well,” Miller shared. 

Miller’s favorite part about teaching is watching her students grow and being able to see achievements they make in a year.

“I have actually had this class before in first grade and second grade, so I have been able to see them grow tremendously from little kids to the leaders that they are now,” Miller said. “I just love to see their growth. Once they get really passionate about something, I love to see them actually show their passion and be able to share that with others.”

The Classroom Hero Award seeks to highlight the hard work and dedication of those on the front lines of our local schools. Nominations can be submitted at

In an anonymous nomination, Mrs. Miller was described as a compassionate teacher who makes the students feel loved and listened to in the classroom. 

The nominator also said Mrs. Miller is a leader, for the school and as a restorative practice coach, helping her peers as the school focuses to meet the students’ needs.

“Mrs. Miller is one of a kind and we are lucky she is ours! She loves each student for who they are and connects with families to bridge any gaps that may be there!” The nominator said. “She comes to work every day ready to make a difference – and she does.”

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