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KDWP Offering Special Hunting Access this Fall Through Free Draw

By Kansas Department of Wildlife and ParksPRATT, Kan. — Exclusive access to land not normally open to hunting and above average success rates... Sound like an expensive hunting lease? Well, it’s not. The Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks’ Special Hunts program provides...

KDWP to Conduct Five-Year Review of State Listed Species

PRATT, Kan. ( – The Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks (KDWP) is conducting a five-year review of the lists of Kansas species that are endangered, threatened or Species In Need of Conservation (SINC). Endangered is the most imperiled category of the three, and species...

KDWP to Renovate, Improve Kingman State Fishing Lake

KINGMAN, Kan. - Anglers who frequent Kingman State Fishing Lake, located just seven miles west of Kingman, KS, will have much to look forward to this fall.After several months of deliberation and planning, staff at the Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks have decided...