Ad Astra Radio Family Brands

Organic dairy assistance deadline extended

The USDA is extending the application period for dairy farmers to enroll in marketing assistance for this year. Producers now have until December 13th to sign up for the Farm Service Agency’s Organic Dairy Marketing Assistance Program. The $58 million available will provide cost-chare...

Chamber Ambassador Nominations Open – Deadline Oct. 31

GREAT BEND, Kan. — Are you or a staff member interested in engaging more with the community? Consider joining as a Chamber Ambassador.Ambassadors help the Chamber by staying connected with the business community and its 550+ members, addressing their needs,...

Deadline to comply with traceability rule nears

Cattle producers have until November 5 to switch to tags that comply with the USDA’s final traceability rule. National Cattlemen’s Beef Association’s vice president of government affairs, Ethan Lane, says visually and electronically readable tags are required for intact breeding animals over 18 months,...

American Farmland Trust / ADM Re:generations incentive program deadline Friday

Midwest farmers focused on harvest should also have their cover crop plans in place.    Kris Reynolds, Midwest regional director with American Farmland Trust, says numerous programs are available to assist those using cover crops. “I’ve been working in conservation and agriculture for 23 plus...

YMCA Soccer (Fall) Deadline Monday, Aug. 5th

HUTCHINSON, Kan. — The deadline is approaching to get your kids registered for Soccer through the Hutchinson YMCA. The deadline is Aug. 5. Stop in at the YMCA at 716 East 13th to register

Feb. 20: Deadline to Register for 2024 Presidential Preference Primary

RENO COUNTY, Kan. — In 2023, the Kansas Legislature authorized the state-run Presidential Preference Primary, which had only been used in Kansas in 1980 and 1992.This election is nontraditional -- the timelines and statutes governing this election vary from a...