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Matt Hubbell

Matt Hubbell

Matt Hubbell

About Matt Hubbell

Matt grew up on a pig farm in Upstate NY. By age eight he was playing DJ on his boom box and performing in plays for his relatives. At age 15 he landed an internship at WSCM in Cobleskill, NY.

After two weeks of making coffee, running errands and board operating, Matt became just that, a “bored”operator... so one day he decided to turn on the microphone and start talking.

Much to Matt’s surprise, the audience liked what they heard, and he was given his very first radio show. Since then, he’s worked at stations all over the US including stops in California, New York, and Tennessee (Nashville Ya’ll!).  Matt's entertainment background extends beyond radio broadcasting. He has appeared in motion pictures, commercials, print campaigns and on network television. He’s worked on projects featuring Tim McGraw, Nicole Kidman, Val Kilmer, Hayden Panettiere, and more.

Matt’s hobbies include: Playing trumpet, writing songs, and eating chicken wings.

He also LOVES all things country music!