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Intersection at Main and Euclid in McPherson Planned to Reopen to Traffic Late Wednesday Afternoon


By Lucky Kidd


McPHERSON, Kan. — If everything goes as planned, the intersection of Main and Euclid in downtown McPherson will reopen to traffic by late Wednesday afternoon. Public Works Director Jeff Woodward told McPherson City Commissioners Tuesday nearly all concrete in the intersection has been placed along with all of the curb returns and sidewalks near the intersection, with stamped concrete to be finished Wednesday.

Woodward also reported the grit removal system at the Wastewater Treatment Plant is nearly complete and the wet well for Lift Station 3 is now complete and work is proceeding on the manhole. On other projects, the rock base for Spring Hill Road in the Deerfield Estates South project is nearly done and curb and gutter on phase 1 of that road is done, and crews are finishing up work on Avenue B between Sycamore and Cottonwood, with removals to start next week, weather permitting, on the Sycamore west loop between Avenues A and B.

Commissioners authorized up to $175,000 Tuesday for reconstruction of Eshelman Street from Kansas Avenue to Gordon Street. Dondlinger Construction is building the new Commons Building at McPherson College including parking and associated street work, and the college has expressed interest in reconstructing the block of Eshelman west of the Commons.

The college is willing to pay for part of the cost of that project, and the approved expenditure, based on the college paying 40 percent of the cost, includes contingencies and any required bonds in the event the contract is run through the city.

The Commission also approved a bid from JP Construction for installation of ADA ramps connected with a sidewalk project at 301 North Chestnut. Usually, city crews would do this, but they aren’t able to take this one on right now. JP is the contractor replacing the sidewalk.

Work related to traffic signals at three locations was approved. One project is for installation of wiring for a new camera at Kansas and Maxwell, another to install new video detection cameras at Kansas and West Lakeside Drive to replace existing loop detectors connected with an earlier approved rewiring of that signal. The third project is for re-wiring and replacement of detection cameras at 1st and Maxwell. Combined cost of the three projects is just over $53,000.

It also approved purchase of a skid steer bucket for just over $2,600 from Bobcat of Salina to replace an existing bucket that has broken several times and on which weld repairs have not held.

Commissioners approved a ten-day extension on the construction contract for the retaining wall project at Turkey Creek Golf Course. PLI asked for the additional time due to the significant rainfall over the past few weeks.

It also approved a payment to Johnson Electric of just over $47,000 to install electrical service to the new golf cart garage at Turkey Creek Golf Course, and a $10,200 payment to Waters Edge Aquatic Design for an outdoor assessment of the McPherson Water Park that will review maintenance and future needs for the 22-year-old water park.

Commissioners approved a request for a fee waiver on McPherson County’s upcoming renovation project at the County Building at Maple and Marlin, to which several county departments now in the courthouse are being relocated. The fee for the just under $6.7 million project would have been $10,200.

The Commission approved a change in who they will be purchasing a bunker gear dryer FROM for the new Fire Station 2 due to difficulties in contacting the low bidder related to changes within that vendor. The change will actually save the city a little on the cost. Commissioners also approved a payment to Koehn’s Body Shop for repairs to a police vehicle for just under four thousand dollars, and purchase of a desktop computer for the Police Department for up to $3,489.

Ann Elliott was appointed City Attorney, succeeding Jeffrey Houston effective Jan. 1 for a term that will end April 30, 2026. The commission also approved payments for inspection and construction on a CDBG housing rehabilitation project in the 1200 block of South Walnut and the annual renewal of the BoardDocs Pro product that is used by the city for agenda and other related website items. The $7,280 price is the same as for the past year.