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Allen County Commission Discusses Costly Radio Upgrades Due to Federal Mandate, Other Meeting Highlights


ALLEN COUNTY, Kan. — Allen County Commissioners and Sheriff Anthony Maness discussed upcoming radio issues during Tuesday’s meeting, and it probably won’t be cheap to deal with.

This has to do with a federal mandate for encryption of law enforcement radio transmissions that needs to be done soon. To accomplish this may require replacement of most if not all of their radio equipment Maness and 911 director Chelsie Decker are having a meeting with equipment providers to discuss options which will likely have to involve other public safety agencies in Allen County, as any switchover will likely have to be done on a county-wide basis.

Also factoring into this is the potential of moving all public safety agencies to an 800 MHz radio system which is now used in Anderson and Neosho Counties and is also used by the Kansas Highway Patrol.

Commissioners approved updated memorandums of understanding with Anderson and Woodson counties related to backup 911 services. Both agreements are being updated due to new sheriffs being elected in both counties and sets out the procedures involved.

Allen County and Woodson County also have a separate agreement related to backup access to the computer systems used for checking such things as driver’s licenses and warrant checks.

Public Works Director Mitch Garner reported on a proposal brought to him to build a private hangar at Allen County Airport that they would sublease, and upcoming equipment needs for the landfill including replacement of a compactor, pricing on which is being investigated.

The Commission approved an easement agreement related to a study being done on a fuel leak from the former Johnson’ General Store at Humboldt. Geocore of Salina is working with the Kansas Department of Health and Environment on the study to determine the extent of spread of leaked fuel. This easement is for use of county property by the EMS station in Humboldt. Commissioners also approved a cereal malt beverage license renewal for Humboldt Speedway and met with representatives from H&H Roofing and Born Roofing to discuss issues involving the roofs of the Courthouse and Jail.