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Major Steps Take Place for Artificial Turf Installation Project at Hobart Detter Field and Fun Valley


Highlights from 7/16/24 Hutchinson City Council Meeting 

By Lucky Kidd


HUTCHINSON, Kan. — A project to install artificial turf surfaces at Hobart Detter Field and on two fields at Fun Valley took two major steps Tuesday, and the Hutchinson City Council awarded to Mammoth Sports Construction a $2.26 million bid for the project, and financing steps for it. Hutchinson Community College and USD 308, which use these fields, have entered into agreements to cover part of the project cost.

This project was part of a $3.16 million bond authorization the Council approved prior to accepting the bid, which came in under what was budgeted. Other projects to be bonded include work on Zoo improvements and the Bad Bobby Trailhead, playground equipment at Rice Park, and a project at the Fire Training Center. 

These projects will be combined with a bridge replacement project at 16th and Baker in a bond sale that will take place later this year. The bond resolution allows the city to pay certain expenses related to the projects prior to bond issuance.

The Council approved the resolution of intent to exceed the Revenue Neutral Rate for the 2025 budget. The city’s proposed 2025 budget as of now calls for a mill levy of 40.326 mills, the same as for 2024. To raise the same dollars from property taxes as for 2024, the levy would have to be reduced by just under two mills. With the notification of exceeding RNR to the Reno County Clerk, hearings to exceed it and on the budget, itself were set for the city council meeting on Sept. 3.

The 2023 audit report for the city was presented by Randy Hoffmeier from Lindburg Vogel Pierce and Faris Chartered, who said there were no findings in the audit though there was an issue that came up involving an overpayment to a contractor which was paid back. Steps have been implemented to prevent this in the future.

The firm also did an alternative compliance examination engagement in an alternative to the single audit usually required on federal fund programs, which focused on ARPA awards. The audit gave the city a clean opinion as it relates to Kansas budgetary laws, but like nearly every other governmental audit in Kansas an adverse option as to Generally Accepted Accounting Principles due to standards in the Kansas Municipal Accounting and Audit Guide not including a number of items a GAAP audit would such as capital assets and certain liabilities.

The Council approved a Planning Commission recommendation to rezone a property at the southeast corner of 1st and Scott, in the area southeast of 4th and Halstead, from special commercial to light industrial to accommodate plans by a local trucking firm to construct an office building with outdoor parking and long-term storage for tractor trailers, which isn’t allowed in a commercial zone.

It also approved a special event designation allowing alcohol to be served during the Southwest Bricktown Fiesta Sept. 21.