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Hutchinson City Council Approves MIH Grant Agreement Connected to Rehabilitation Project for Landmark Apartments at 5th and Main


Hutchinson City Council Meeting 8/6/24 Highlights

By Lucky Kidd


HUTCHINSON, Kan. — The Hutchinson City Council engaged in a lengthy discussion Tuesday before deferring action on a proposal from Wichita State University’s Public Management and Policy Center to assist in development of an organizational strategic plan for the city.

In light of the major leadership transitions with the city, senior staff has been seeking to take a foundational step to align priorities, streamline operations, and build a unified vision for the future for Hutchinson. It will also set forth various goals and objectives that going forward will foster collaboration and set a clear path for sustainable growth and development.

Cost of the plan development is projected to be in the area of $50,000. Council member Steven Garza said he had concerns with the cost of the plan, given other issues the city has, specifically referencing street issues, that should have higher priority. The Council had many questions about the process and tabled any action until at least the Aug. 20th meeting. 

Housing matters were the big item before the Council Tuesday, as it approved several items related to the Plum Creek housing project Strawn Contracting is developing along East 43rd, east of Plum Creek Elementary School. Following a public hearing, the Council approved creation of a Reinvestment Housing Incentive District, documents related to a Moderate Income Housing (MIH) Grant from the Kansas Housing Resources Corporation and a resolution authorizing the creation of benefit districts for infrastructure on the project.

The project will ultimately include 87 units, with the MIH Grant covering 36 single family homes and eight duplex structures with 16 housing units in the first phase of the development.

Landmark Hotel 2
A MIH Grant Agreement has been approved for the Landmark Apartments property at 5th and Main in Hutchinson to rehabilitate the 2nd-5th floors. (Photo by Brenna Eller)

The Council also approved the MIH Grant Agreement connected with the project to rehabilitate the former Landmark Apartments property at 5th and Main. The grant from the Kansas Housing Resources Corporation covers the second through fifth floors of the building constructed as the Stamey Hotel in 1923. It will include 36 apartments, 24 of which meet the MIH requirements. The $14 million rehabilitation project is projected to be complete in September 2026.

The Council approved the purchase of a 6.8-acre undeveloped tract along West 11th north of Hayes Street between Cow Creek and Hendricks Street for future residential development opportunities. The $50,000 purchase of the land from Pennsylvania-based Andern Capital LLC. Development of this site has been hampered due to a lack of road access because of the vacation of Hayes north of 11th.

The city is looking at a partnership with New Beginnings to create an easement through the Crown Homes development site. The purchase is contingent to an environmental site assessment and survey.

The Council gave final approval to a contract to sell water to Reno County Water District 101. The district, which serves the Yoder area, has been dealing with elevated nitrate levels for several years, to a point where the district has been under public health advisories. Under the contract, which Reno County Commissioners approved last month, the city will charge District 101 the same rate for water it charges to users outside the city limits except minimum charges for metered service will not apply. Rates will be subject to adjustment at five-year intervals, and the city will not be obligated to supply water in excess of a month average of 32,000 gallons per day.