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Buhler School Board Implements Changes in Daycare Staffing and Technology Investments


By Lucky Kidd


BUHLER, Kan. — The Buhler USD 313 Board of Education has approved a reduction in staffing for their two daycare centers, along with accepting resignations of four other daycare employees, including the assistant director and daycare room lead at Buhler Beginnings.

In a report to the board director of elementary curriculum Kyle McClure said they were overstaffed as they grew in effort to ensure appropriate coverage. As of now, factoring in ARPA grant funds, they are expected to pass the break-even point by May.

Following an executive session, the board approved a one-year contract extension for Superintendent Cindy Couchman, whose contract will now run through the 2026-27 school year along with other contract changes, which will take effect immediately.

The Buhler USD 313 Board of Education Monday approved a nearly $355,000 device adoption for Prairie Hills Middle School. This will involve purchase of iPads for students and Chromebooks for paras and the yearbook classes.

The district is going with iPads based on student familiarity, compatibility with existing classroom and teacher devices, overall ease and use, and smooth transition for incoming 6th graders, existing students, and for teachers and staff.

The board also authorized disposal of a 2005 school bus and a 1999 pickup truck as surplus property and approved sending six elementary teachers to attend the Ron Clark Academy in Atlanta in May, this being funded through title IIA funds.