Ad Astra Radio Family Brands

Ad Astra Radio Tuesday High School Scoreboard-1/14/25


Girls Basketball

Buhler 49, Augusta 39

Trinity Catholic 48, Ell-Saline 38

McPherson 51, Winfield 24

Hutchinson 38, Valley Center 22

Goddard-Eisenhower 50, Newton 19

Smoky Valley 57, Chapman 46

Southeast of Saline 44, Lyons 19

Beloit 48, Ellsworth 47

Central Plains 55, Sterling 27

Hillsboro 49, Haven 43

Larned 62. Nickerson 19

Hesston 58, Hoisington 24

Halstead 55, Pratt 49

Central Christian 38, Attica 30

Fairfield 46, Stafford 33

Moundridge 77, Central Christian Academy 23

Inman 51, Berean Academy 36

Bennington 48, Marion 35

Elyria Christian 32, Reno County Sabres 29

Remington 52, Wichita Classical 35

Canton-Galva 58, Solomon 17

Little River 73, Goessel 9

Rural Vista 39, Centre 31

Norwich 44, South Barber 26

St. John 49, Ellinwood 37

Macksville 73, Chase 15

Otis-Bison 40, Kinsley 37

Ashland 64, Pawnee Heights 32

Kingman 44, Medicine Lodge 41

Cheney 58, Wichita Independent 23

Garden Plain 50, Trinity Academy 45

Clearwater 34, Andale 31

Humboldt 50, Fredonia 22

Prairie View 42, Anderson County 18

Crest 37, Pleasanton 9

St. Paul 54, Uniontown 23

Burlington 83, Osawatomie 8

Southern Coffey County 38, Yates Center 34

Jayhawk-Linn 30, Central Heights 12

Field Kindley 55, Chanute 34

Caney Valley 60, Erie 36


Boys Basketball

Augusta 61, Buhler 52

Ell-Saline 64, Trinity Catholic 51

McPherson 64, Winfield 26

Hutchinson 66, Valley Center 40

Newton 48, Goddard-Eisenhower 41

Smoky Valley 60, Chapman 36

Southeast of Saline 67, Lyons 59

Beloit 51, Ellsworth 33

Sterling 64, Central Plains 38

Haven 41, Hillsboro 35

Larned 47, Nickerson 40

Hesston 40, Hoisington 34

Pratt 67, Halstead 41

Central Christian 40, Attica 32

Stafford 59, Fairfield 50

Moundridge 75, Central Christian Academy 25

Berean Academy 48, Inman 20

Bennington 58, Marion 43

Elyria Christian 79, Peabody-Burns 35

Remington 38, Wichita Classical 30

Solomon 58, Canton-Galva 52

Little River 56, Goessel 24

Rural Vista 77, Centre 23

Cunningham 85, Burrton 10

Norwich 54, South Barber 12

Ellinwood 63, St. John 44

Macksville 97, Chase 24

Otis-Bison 56, Kinsley 35

Ashland 42, Pawnee Heights 29

Medicine Lodge 56, Kingman 33

Cheney 85, Wichita Independent 21

Garden Plain 49, Trinity Academy 35

Andale 64, Clearwater 19

Humboldt 72, Fredonia 51

Anderson County 82, Prairie View 34

Marmaton Valley 71, Altoona-Midway 38

Crest 55, Pleasanton 40

Uniontown 65, St. Paul 43

Burlington 79, Osawatomie 44

Yates Center 53, Southern Coffey County 20

Jayhawk-Linn 42, Central Heights 37

Chanute 38, Field Kindley 33

Caney Valley 79, Erie 44