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Tar spot concerns minimal in Iowa, agronomist says

An agronomist says tar spot hasn’t been a major concern across Iowa this year. Channel’s Neal Borgmeyer says he expected the disease to be problematic for the state’s corn crop. “We really shaped up thinking we’ve got excess moisture, this is going to be... Read More.

Scout for tar spot in September

An agronomy manager with Wyffels Hybrids says tar spot scouting needs to be a priority as harvest approaches. Eric Wilson says many farmers have stepped up their management of the disease. “I feel like more farmers sprayed fungicide this year than they did a... Read More.

New research developed to find early signs of tar spot

The founder and CEO of Insignum AgTech has partnered with Purdue University to develop new technology that could help farmers detect tar spot earlier in corn.   Kyle Mohler says DNA that is already present in corn plants will react to a newly developed gene... Read More.

Treating tar spot or losing yield loss

An Ohio agronomist says the hot and dry weather has helped prevent the fast spread of tar spot. Agrigold’s Scott Bugg tells Brownfield the disease was found a month earlier in the crop. “We just need the environment for it to spread and we will get that at... Read More.

Conditions right for tar spot

Many corn farmers are actively scouting for tar spot. Corteva Agriscience market development specialist Ron Geis says the crop disease thrives in wet and cloudy conditions. “If you have had tar spot in the past, (the disease would be) lower in the canopy as... Read More.

Tar spot ramping up in Western Corn Belt

A tech service representative with BASF says the wet growing season has led to increased reports of tar spot in corn fields. Kurt Maertens says the Western Corn Belt has been impacted the most. “We’re right at the tail end of that laten period... Read More.

Cost of tar spot control likely to limit applications

A field crops educator says she wouldn’t be surprised if the current corn price limits how farmers manage tar spot this year. Michigan State University Extension’s Monica Jean says many farmers are questioning, “Is it worth your return on investment when it’s a $40... Read More.

Growers continue spraying for tar spot

A crop protection specialist says tar spot is one of his biggest concerns for the rest of the growing season. Dan Waldstein, technical marketing manager with BASF, says reports of the disease have been variable across the Corn Belt. “You really have to be... Read More.

Preventive tar spot treatments going out

A mid-Michigan farmer says he’s not taking a risk with tar spot this season. Mark Senk spoke with Brownfield while he was out spraying for the disease Tuesday. “My farm was hit really hard with tar spot in 2021 and the fungicide really paid... Read More.

Tar spot confirmed in Illinois

A Bayer agronomist says tar spot has been confirmed in Illinois. “Not every black speck you find is to tar spot, but we’ve found some.” Lance Tarochione, who covers western Illinois, tells Brownfield conditions are prime. “These growing conditions are perfect for it to... Read More.

Tar spot pops up across Indiana

An extension pathologist says tar spot continues to spread across Indiana. Darcy Telenko with Purdue University says it was recently confirmed in the eastern part of the state.  “If you had tar slot in your fields last year, at the end of the season,... Read More.