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Michigan potato industry speaks in favor of checkoff increase

Michigan potato growers and processors voiced support for an increased assessment during this week’s public hearing with the Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development. Michigan Potato Industry Commission board member Travis Horkey grows fresh potatoes in Monroe County and was one of many...

Michigan potato harvest is complete

Favorable weather is allowing harvest to continue to progress. The USDA says 82 percent of corn is harvested for grain, 20 percent ahead of last year. Soybeans are 95 percent harvested.  Winter wheat planting is 96 percent complete, and 78 percent emerged. Sugarbeets are...

Michigan apple and potato harvest winding down

Michigan corn and soybean harvest has made significant progress. The USDA says Michigan’s corn crop is rated 58 percent good to excellent with 45 percent harvested for grain. Soybeans are 80 percent harvested.  Winter wheat planting is 77 percent complete and 49 percent emerged....

Potato leafhopper a problem in alfalfa

Potato leafhopper has been a problem for alfalfa growers in the Upper Midwest. University of Minnesota Extension integrated pest management specialist Bruce Potter says cutting hay should knock back populations. “The other option is to use insecticides, and use those judiciously.” Potato leafhoppers feed...

Potato and hay harvesting continues in Wisconsin

It was a dry start of the week for much of Wisconsin.  USDA statistician Greg Bussler says rainfall later in the week limited an otherwise productive week. Field activities included harvesting small grains, potatoes, and cutting hay. Sixty-four percent of Wisconsin’s corn is in...