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Ethanol production, stocks move higher

U.S. ethanol production gained some ground during Christmas week. The U.S. Energy Information Administration says production averaged 1.111 million barrels per day, up 4,000 on the week and 62,000 on the year. That was despite Iowa State University’s Center for Agricultural and Rural Development...

Soybeans, corn, and wheat all move higher

Soybeans led the way higher on Thursday. Soybean meal moved higher again Thursday, helping support the market.  There is some dryness in the forecast for Argentina over the next couple of weeks, and traders are continuing to monitor crop development weather in South America....

Soybeans, corn move lower on South American weather

Soybeans were lower on profit taking and technical selling. South American conditions are generally favorable with USDA’s updated crop production projections out on the 10th and CONAB’s new outlook for Brazil set for the 12th. South Korea bought 30,000 tons of U.S. bean oil...

An active pattern ahead for Thanksgiving Week; much colder air on the move

Unsettled weather in northern California and the Northwest will linger early next week, although heavy precipitation will diminish after Friday.  Still, additional precipitation in the Sierra Nevada and northern California’s coastal ranges could total 4 to 10 inches or more.  Eventually, light to moderately...

Cattle futures move lower at midweek

At the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, live and feeder cattle waiting for the week’s direct cattle business.  December live cattle closed $1.52 lower at $186.42 and February live cattle closed $1.57 lower at $187.05. November feeder cattle closed $1.10 lower at $245.50 and January feeder...

Farmer says additional restrictions move the goalposts for farmers

The American Soybean Association is expressing concern following the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s announcement it is tightening restrictions on the registration of Glufosinate-P. Alan Meadows, a Tennessee farmer and ASA director, says the Agency imposed additional Endangered Species Act restrictions on farmers. “We’re trying to...