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Main ingredients for soybean success

A professor of crop physiology at the University of Illinois says research has shown two primary management components of high yielding soybeans. Dr. Fred Below says farmers can’t manage the weather, but they can manage planting dates. “You get the leaf area out there...

Burnin’ Down Main Cook-Off and Baking Competition Winners Announced

McPHERSON, Kan. — McPherson Main Street announced both the Chili Cook-off and the dessert competition winners from Burnin' Down Main Saturday, Oct. 12. Chili Cook-Off Winners:1st place - Rhaemazwitos Chili-Rhaemy Rierson 2nd place - Flat Branch Home Loans-Renee...

Utility Crews Working on Two New Main Breaks

By the City of Great Bend GREAT BEND, Kan. — Utilities crews are working on two separate water main breaks this morning. The first is located at Main and Railroad Avenue and the second is located at Third &...