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Area Eighth Graders Recognized with OMEGA

MCPHERSON, Kan. - The OMEGA Award was created by the McPherson Chamber of Commerce in 2005 to recognize 8th grade students in McPherson County for making a difference in our community through their compassionate gestures, positive attitudes, considerate actions, and courage to overcome life’s...

7th-12th Graders Can Train with an Astronaut This Spring Break

HUTCHINSON, Kan. - Cosmosphere announced a new Spring Break camp March 13-17, which gives 7th-12th graders the opportunity to train with an astronaut. Called “Spring into STEM,” the day camp provides training similar to what astronauts use to prepare for the extreme environments of space,...

MMS 8th Graders Fall to Derby, 7th Graders Claim First Win

Both McPherson Middle School Boys Basketball teams returned to action on Thursday for their second game of the season. In the 8th Grade Game, Head Coach Tyler Brown noted, “Derby had everything we thought they would have tonight.  He mentioned the...