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Soybeans drift lower, with corn, wheat mixed

Soybeans were modestly lower on profit taking and technical selling. The trade continues to monitor weather in South America, with some disappointing early yield numbers in parts of southern Brazil. Still, those are very early harvested beans, most of the rest of Brazil has...

Soybeans, corn, wheat drift downward

Soybeans were lower on fund and technical selling. Near-term planting and development weather in South America continues to look generally favorable. The fundamental implications of big South American crops also pressured soybean meal and oil. China and unknown destinations bought U.S. beans ahead of...

Downward drift continues for soybeans, corn, wheat

Soybeans were lower on fund and technical selling. The U.S. harvest should wrap up this week and South American planting has advanced thanks to recent rain. Parts of the soybean growing areas of that continent could see a drier near-term pattern, but overall, conditions...