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Calculating the impacts of soybean cyst nematode

An Ohio State Extension specialist says soybean cyst nematode remains the most economically damaging disease in North America.  Horacio Lopez-Nicora tells Brownfield there is still a lot to learn about the disease. “It can cause significant yield reduction with absolutely no visible symptoms,” he...

Soybean cyst nematode resistance an ongoing challenge

Soybean cyst nematode resistance is an ongoing challenge for farmers. Iowa State University professor Greg Tylka says two decades of heavy use of PI88788 soybean varieties built up resistant SCN populations, so more growers are turning to Peking varieties. “We see sometimes 20 bushel...

Much still to learn about soybean cyst nematode

There is still much to learn about the number one yield-robbing pest in soybeans. Iowa State University entomologist Greg Tylka has studied soybean cyst nematodes for decades and says he’s fascinated by the biology. “There will be decades more to learn about soybean cyst...

Don’t underestimate soybean cyst nematode

An extension crops educator is concerned too many farmers underestimate the threat of soybean cyst nematode. Angie Peltier with the University of Minnesota says SCN is the biggest soybean yield-limiting pathogen in the Midwest. “It’s a huge deal, and I’m amazed that more people...

Soybean pathologist offers tips to manage soybean cyst nematodes

A soybean pathologist with the University of Nebraska Extension says it can be difficult to detect soybean cyst nematodes. Dylan Mangel tells Brownfield… “It has the ability to steal yield without any noticeable above-ground symptoms. This is a little bit wetter of a year...