Thu, Jun 27 from 3:30pm
to 5:30pm
Lindsborg Community Hospital
605 W Lincoln St, Lindsborg, KS
605 W Lincoln St, Lindsborg, KS
Lindsborg Community Hospital is hosting Leah Friesen from the CCN (Cognitive Care Network) from the KU Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center and the presentation of the ADRC film, WHY?
There will be two viewing times. 3:30 & 5:30
“It is powerful and hopeful, and talks about so many of those ‘why’ questions that come with an early-stage dementia diagnosis. It interviews caregivers, doctors, and nurses, as well as people living with dementia.”
The film is about 35 min, with plenty of time for Q &A.
There is no charge but reservation requested.
Send an email to program.enroll@