Ad Astra Radio Family Brands
Thu, Jun 20 from 6:00pm to 8:00pm
Smoky Valley Arts & Folklife Center
114 1/2, S Main St, Lindsborg, KS

Thursday, June 20th  6pm-8pm

Ages 14 & Up

Join Jenny Davis and Emily Howe for a Gelli printing class. Dive into the modern art of mono-printing using flexible gelatin plates. This hands-on workshop will explore the vibrant layers of color and textures without needing a press. We’ll experiment with a variety of stencils, textured products, and stamps.

Participants are encouraged to bring any acrylic paints, fun stencils, or materials with interesting textures, such as bubble wrap, plants, fabrics, high gloss magazines/books, or black and white laser-printed images.

Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced artist, this class promises a fun and experiential experience for all!

All supplies included – Participants encouraged to bring their own fun supplies

