Ad Astra Radio Family Brands
Sun, Jan 28 from 1:00pm to 3:00pm
Lindsborg Old Mill & Swedish Heritage Museum 
120 E. Mill St, Lindsborg, KS

Learn about the history of agriculture, milling, and the Old Mill from author Tom Holmquist. Smoky Valley’s Best and Lindsborg’s Treasure: A Brief History of the Old Mill will be presented at the Lindsborg Old Mill & Swedish Heritage Museum, 1:30pm, Sunday, January 28. This is a Featured Event of the Lindsborg Cultural Crawl.

Free tours of the Old Mill will occur 1:00-3:00 p.m. the same day!

Holmquist is the author of the forthcoming commemorative book on the Old Mill’s 125-year history. He has also published other books on Swedish American culture and history, and the settlement of the Smoky Valley, including Pioneer Cross, Swedish Settlements Along the Smoky Hill Bluffs (1993), Bluestem (2000), and Salemsborg: A History of the Salemsborg Lutheran Church, 1869-1939 (2019), which received the 2020 Award of Commendation from the Concordia Historical Institute in St. Louis, Missouri.

Lindsborg Old Mill & Swedish Heritage Museum is located at 120 E. Mill St. Normal hours are 9:00am-5:00pm, Monday-Saturday.
