Fri, May 31 from 9:00am
to 9:00am
The Salvation Army
200 S Main St. Hutchinson, KS
200 S Main St. Hutchinson, KS
The Salvation Army is having a Donut event in front of their thrift store across from Smith’s Market on South Main St.
They will have roughly 10-15 competitors who will try to eat the most donuts in 5 minutes to help raise funds for kids to go to camp, and for their international work in 130 countries. Their goal is to raise $6,000 and are currently at $1,200.
You can help in several ways. Come down and eat a free donut or two, have some free coffee, bring your cash or checks to vote for your favorite contestant, or go online to vote for your favorite contestant. Click here to vote.
“All in all it’s a fun event to help support our struggling youth and families here in Reno County”.